Wang Zheng was too tired to get out of that bed, but she didn't want to be alone either.


And she wanted even less for her little baby to wake up.


Maybe he didn't really wake up, he was so little yet, but the simple fact of mentioning and caring for him was enough.


Liu Wei watched her wife shift on the bed and try to snuggle closer to her, so beautiful.


She stroked the black strands that draped over her anyway and whispered. "Then let your wife eat something delicious..."


Liu Wei smiled at her wife's manner and added.


"... I bring your breakfast along with mine and we eat together."


"Okay... I want you to bring me it's easier to cook, I'm going horseback riding and I'd rather not eat too much..."


Liu Wei nodded, but remembered. "Honey, don't forget that today is the last fitting day."