[SPECIAL STORY // The Scent Of Love'07]

"Do you have someone who can pick you up?" He said the bartender while drying some glasses.


Well, it was really hard to say everything that was going on, but Chow Niu's mind was in a mess at that moment.


Ahh... her life was in chaos.


It was like everything was collapsing around her.


She had accepted many things, I already know in my heart that Liu Wei is not mine and I already accepted it.


Chow Niu felt that she couldn't have a more unlucky life, how could she only like already engaged women?! What kind of karma was that?!


Was this some kind of punishment?!


Honestly…her relationship with Liu Wei has really been softening, even though you are so sweet to me I no longer feel like my heart is going to plummet.


But now the problem was different, working with Liu Wei and Zhang Xia was almost torture.


Mainly Zhang Xia, Omega was a big mystery.