[SPECIAL STORY // The Scent Of Love'11// End?!]

Days had passed, and at last Zhang Xia had made her decision.


She decided to lie.


Yes, lie.


As simple as respecting it, it's not difficult for her as an actress.



Even though I'm not famous doesn't mean I don't have some talent.


She had decided to defend one side and would go all the way.


No one needs to know why you're like this, no one needs to know what room we're in, and no one really needs to see the security cameras.


Just make up a story, because it's easy to narrate that story that way.


Hide that Chow Niu was whining in the corners about not being reciprocated by Liu Wei or Zhang Xia.


It doesn't matter.


It was all a big bluff, she had asked Bo Tsui for a small favor and he kindly accepted.


She kindly accepted in exchange for a divorce settlement in which Zhang Xia waived any property debt that favored her.