There, that's it.

Even if your compliments weren't a big deal, you managed to be softer on me than anyone else.


When Hong Bo died, she and Fei Ru were on friendly terms.


The endless hours on that golf course under the hot sun were tiring.



Or the hours punching and kicking that punching bag after boxing class.


Fei Ru had the theory that Hong Bo was actually a nasty but harmless woman.


Well, at least she was after meeting her.


She couldn't say about what happened before.


But the negative view of Hong Bo was long gone, perhaps even in the past life.


Perhaps long before she ceased to exist in the past life.


Hong Bo who had asked about food was answered by a loud sound coming from Fei Ru's belly.


Hong Bo listened and smiled a little funny, you're cute. "Oh... Looks like you're hungry..."