A little familiar

"Fei Ru, are you have any championships coming up in the next few days?" Some random student asked. 

Well, random... He was already a random person, he was definitely just a random person, but in Hong Bo's eyes he was even more forgettable. 

Really... Who are you? 

Now when I stop to think about it, all those people in her new life still seem a little unfamiliar, even though she had known them for many years. 

Well, the person she was closest to who was exclusively from this new life was John.

Her parents were the same, Liu Wei and Chow Niu too. 

Even Wang Zheng. 

Now Fei Ru was also one of the few things that were common to her. 

She was a little moodier than she liked to admit, she observed the crowd so well known to her, so familiar and yet so strange.