Eat... You need to eat well

 Hong Bo smiled a little embarrassed, she hadn't expected Marie to be so direct in her advances... But that wasn't a problem. On the contrary, she really liked it. 

Despite her many years of life, she hadn't been so easily courted recently. 

Of course, there was always one child or another making statements and saying that they loved her, or that they wanted to spend the rest of their lives with her... But they were just kids who didn't know much about life or what it was like to love someone.

Hong Bo was definitely not a good example in her past life and in this life so far she was planning to live a life without any love interest... But it seems I was as reckless as a teenager could be.

I thought that life wouldn't have its own ups and downs and prove me wrong. 

So there she was, liking Fei Ru, but now she had Marie Chan who, frankly, was an extremely gorgeous woman. 

For the first time she felt small and even a little coerced.