Yes, it was a day to celebrate.

After a good bath and a comfortable meal, Hong Bo studied for a while. 


It would be a tiring routine to keep up, but she was willing. 


She sighed when she saw that it was getting close to midnight, she needed to sleep. 


Six hours' sleep was the least she could manage, some kind of consciousness, but she needed to fit her boxing training back into her routine. 


Well, take advantage of the fact that your trainer is busy preparing for a fight in which he will challenge the current champion for the featherweight belt.


It really was a good time to take a break, but she missed throwing punches and feeling the sweat drip off her, as disgusting as that may be, there's nothing more rejuvenating than after a good workout feeling your body drenched and ready for a shower!


Yes, she should definitely get back to training.