Marie is screwing up.

Fei Ru watched Marie drive away and the car disappear over the horizon.


She sighed a little irritably, she didn't expect to end the night like that... There were so many probabilities and what happened was the worst of the options.


Simply the worst.


Yes, it's true, things started to get complicated with Hong Bo, what was an unexpectedly happy start, was now chaotic and almost unsustainable... But now all she could think: Marie is screwing up.


After all, Fei Ru worked so hard, endured so much, to arrive at that moment and be treated like that?! Fate seemed to laugh in her face.


Indeed, fate had many unfinished business with her and Hong Bo.


Eternally predestined to have their destinies intertwined, but it was as if there was an eternal barrier preventing them from living a life good enough to call it perfect.


The peace and calm of a peaceful life seemed distant and pure luxury.