A little girl who was afraid of the world and herself.

The environment she was in was already conducive enough for her to have some type of immersion in the sport.


The little princess never saw it as a job, so she didn't have much, but she had enough things to train as a hobby and the Chow family also had access to an exclusive sports club and Liu Wei was always there with Chow Niu. .


But now reality had escalated.


The game suddenly became her profession, now we were no longer talking about the young Liu Wei who played for fun, but rather about the young and promising representative of the sport who had a multimillion-dollar company sponsoring her.


Sure, why not?!


The responsibility was high, very high and it was terrifying.


Hong Bo was very efficient and knowing that time was against her and her fiancée, she just rushed to accomplish everything necessary to guarantee some minimum future stability.