You grew up well...

Liu Wei and Hong Bo looked at each other after finally leaving Marie in the guest room, and it was not an exaggeration to believe that Hong Bi already knew everything.


The little princess was especially tired after training, the game against Hong Bi was much harder than she could have imagined, so she was exhausted.


Exhausted yes, but very happy, it had been a great day.


Liu Wei had had a good day and although she still felt really scared in Hong Bi's presence, the woman was really intimidating.


The women of the Hong family were very strong, serious and brave.


Well, now there was a very simple aggravating factor... Hong Bi was Liu Wei's mother-in-law and the woman was always suspicious about everything, it was a little complicated, after all the woman seemed one step away from discovering everything about the veracity of the engagement.


It was a day of many emotions for Liu Wei. Definitely.