Honestly, that was a waste of time.

Hong Bi just crossed her legs and waited for Liu Jing to start speaking, after all, she was the one who had requested that meeting.


Something that was really curious, after all it's not like there weren't opportunities for a meeting to happen and to tell the truth, Hong Zan had requested an official meeting between the families.


Of course, this meeting would not only include the families but also the girls who were engaged.


What's the point of talking about them if they weren't even there?!


Hong Zan's idea was that it would not simply be an unofficial meeting, as was being done at that exact moment.


It was ridiculous to talk secretly about what to do or not do in two people's lives, and it didn't make sense to decide many things without Hong Zan being aware.


Fortunately, she had discussed everything she needed with her husband before leaving home.