A bad script needs coincidences, but the life too.

Hong Bo walked slowly, she had no strength or haste.


It was all right to follow that slow pace... Well, it was a better way to think than to just accept that she was almost crawling around corners.


Being positive was something Liu Wei would do more easily, but Hong Bo walked with the girl a lot to imitate some good habits as well.


The top floor followed the same pace as the rest of the company, there were few employees present and the few who were happily eating the food they had brought from home.


That made her think she needed something to eat, but she didn't have much energy to go to the mess hall.


She wasn't hungry either, she just wanted to get some sleep.


The room she shared with Marie was the biggest room, and let's just say it made sense to be the biggest, the one who looked after that little empire of concrete.