I'll think about it

Between one bite and another Hong Bi talked to Liu Wei, the two had a communication and the conversation worked smoothly and appropriately.


Mother Hong didn't hide the concern she had, but she didn't create alarm or panic either, but she just didn't believe that the idea of a relationship between the two girls was the best thing they could do as a decision for the future.


But the news had already spread and there was nothing more to be done.


Hong Zan would also disagree with the idea of a marriage done that way, but he probably believed much more in girls' ability to be happy together.


Hong Bi put a small piece of food in her mouth and put the cutlery on the table.


"I've heard from Wang Zheng..."


Liu Wei heard that and it was truly difficult to pretend some sort of custom, her heart had suddenly accelerated and her hands suddenly had no more strength.