Your purchase, miss...

"What do you think my father will like the most?" Hong Bo asked, looking at Liu Wei.


The two of them were shopping, really taking the idea of ​​buying a gift for Hong Bo's father seriously.


Hong Zan was too busy with his wife buying clothes, so he couldn't even imagine that he would get something.


All he could think of was that Hong Bo and Liu Wei were having some time as a normal couple. Go around and buy gifts for the person you love.


Well, that's what he was doing as he watched his wife buying golf clothes, as if she didn't already have dozens of clothes.


But she looked beautiful in everything she wore, so just watch it lovingly and watch his wife be happy.


Hong Bo and Liu Wei were in a store a little further away in the shopping center, they had already looked at clothes, but everything seemed too done.


The collections that year weren't very nice.