She didn't say anything like that...

"When someone doesn't want to take responsibility for anything, they also have no reason to sympathize with anyone."


Marie gave up on the ice cream, she had no appetite for it.


"What do you mean by that?"


Hong Bo, on the other hand, continued eating the ice cream, she just didn't like the taste of the two.


But the pineapple flavor was delicious, and the chocolate and mint flavor was too.


One at a time.


"I just think I got what I deserved, I don't take the blame for anything and I don't ever put myself in the place of a victim... I'm closer to being an aggressor than a victim... But Marie, do you know something that I noticed?"


Hong Bo had realized a few things in these two lives.


First, she believed that people seemed to always be trapped in certain things, as if they were addictions and that you couldn't get out of them easily.