Elsa and Justin(III)

When he did not say anything, Elsa scoffed. "So you think I am incapable of taking care of Edward if something happens to you? Or do you think I'll abandon him and run away?"


When he tried to touch her, she slapped his hand away. "You are unbelievable Justin, I don't know if I am more mad or hurt." 

Before he could say anything, she pushed him and took a step back. "Now I am mad at you—" 

"Elsa—" But before Justin could approach her, she had already stormed away. 

Left with no other choice, he quickly followed her. 


[Outside the emergency room] 

"Do you think they are okay?" Rachael was very worried for Elsa and Justin. 

"As long as they don't kill each other, they are gonna be okay," Owen remarked.

"I think you should go and check on them."

"That won't be necessary." Pointing towards the direction Elsa was storming from, Andrew said, "She doesn't look in a good mood."