
When Andrew did not say anything, Elsa frowned and pursed her lips. "So you are gonna give me the silent treatment now? Will you ever grow up Andrew?" 

Whenever Andrew didn't want to continue discussing a topic, he would become extremely silent. It was his way saying that he was done talking and wasn't interested to continue. 

"I know you don't wanna talk about it but it's important, okay?" she added. "It's high time you start thinking about it." 

When Rachael approached them, she could easily sense the tension between Elsa and Andrew. 

"What's wrong? Is everything okay?" She inquired as she looked at both of them simultaneously. 

"Dada and Mama…fight—" Edward pouted his lips and extended his arms towards Rachael. 

Taking the little one in her arm, Rachel frowned. "You both are fighting?" 

When Edward buried his face on her neck, she gently patted his back to comfort him.