
"What is it honey?" 

Crossing her arms in the front, she stared at him for a while. "Why are you avoiding me these days?" 

"Avoiding you?" Andrew raised his brows. "When have I ever avoided you Rachael?" 

"Oh come on—" she scoffed. "You very well know what I am talking about." 

When he did not say anything, she questioned him again. "Are you injured or something?" 

"What?" he frowned. 

"I mean, after what happened between us in your office, did you get injured during—" 

"Are you asking if I got injured during sex?" When she nodded, Andrew pinched the space between his brows. "Who shoved this idea in your head? Emma or Elsa?" 

Rachael: " " 

"T-That is not the point," she remarked. "The thing is—and I am pretty sure it isn't something I am unnecessarily putting a lot of thought on but—you have been avoiding me for the past two weeks." 

"Rach, why would I—"