Family man

Tina frowned and retrieved the phone back assuming that he knew where she wanted to go. 

Throughout the ride, she kept stealing glances of him. He was usually calm and quiet. She wasn't getting a good feeling from it. 

The fact that she looked so calm and cool after hearing that she was going on a date with some other man also bothered her. 

'Does he really not care?' she asked herself. 

"Why would he care?" she muttered and scoffed before looking out of the window. 

"Did you say something?" Ben looked at her. 

When she shook her head, he continued driving in silence. 

After a few minutes, Tina frowned when she realised something. 

"You were supposed to take a right—" She looked at him. 

"I know." Then he took a left instead. 

"What are you doing?" She was confused and annoyed. She couldn't figure out what was going on in his head. Was he purposely trying to make her late for the date?