Ben can handle everything

"First you stop being stupid." He threw the napkin back at her. 


"Enough," Rachael snapped at them. "Go and fight outside if you want to, don't disturb me." She then resumed washing the dishes. 

She knew something had happened between George and Emma. It wasn't hard to guess with the way they were ignoring each other. But she couldn't care less. 

Getting involved in a couple's fight was not even the last thing she wanted. 

Without saying anything, George walked out of the kitchen.

Emma sighed and helplessly shook her head. "You brother is weird." 

"And so are you," Rachael remarked. 


"Emma, you can talk to whoever you want to. No one has the right to stop you," she added. "But you also have to consider the feelings of your partner." 

"Look, I made the same mistake with Oliver," Rachael explained. "I didn't consider Andrew's feelings at all and went on with what I wanted to know."