Big Baby

When Rachael did not say anything, Daniel asked, "Do I make sense?" 

She sighed and nodded. "To some extent, yes." 

"Alright—" he sighed. "At some point I thought I was just rambling stuff."

"Don't tell this to Kate when you meet her, okay?" He added. "She is gonna kill me."

"She is here too?" 

"Not yet, she will be here in—" He glanced at his watch. "Five hours." 

"Andrew and others will be here by tomorrow morning. Till then, you can hangout with Kate and me." 

"Andrew told me a little about Kate." Daniel had spent almost a week with them when he was in the city. Rachael had bonded with him more than she had thought she would. He was easy going and funny just like Owen. She really loved the time they had spent together. 

"My Kate is awesome," Daniel smiled. "She is beautiful, talented and she makes the best choco chip cookies in the entire world." 

"She is an actress," he proudly added.