
When Rachael glared at him, Riftan scoffed, "Don't look at me like that. I didn't say anything wrong. And trust me, your husband will agree with me." 

There was no way Andrew would let Robert Greg off after what he had done. Riftan was pretty sure that after today, no one would even remember Robert's existence. 

Though the Volkov's did not show it, they could be ruthless when the time and situation demanded it. 


"Wait for me, I will come and pick you up soon," Andrew interrupted her. 

"Okay," Rachael reluctantly agreed. She knew he was trying to change the subject for a reason. "Be careful, okay?" 

"Don't worry, I'll be there in no time," Andrew assured him. "Give the phone to Riftan." 

"What is it?" Riftan took the phone from Rachael's hand.