Chapter 6 : Auction 2

"Hurry up , push the carriage. All other carriages are waiting in line ."

A big soldier was shouting to a group of newly enlisted young people who's job is to give push to the goods carrying carriages which are stuck in the mud .

It is raining heavily now in the road leading to the 'Waterkoo'. A lot of newly enlisted soldiers and old soldiers are constantly being sent to the waterkoo for the war . Tomorrow morning will be a big battle there .

Lersoul , a young men in his early 20's is also forced to join this war by the decree of his Majesty. He is a very skinny boy who loves to paint the beauty of nature . Although he never succeeded in selling any of his art but he still did this as he loves to do so .

He has a big brother who does business in a city north of this kingdom. All of his parents died of a disease outbreak in their village .Most of the villagers died because of that . The two brothers were only 11 and 13 in order at that time . They were also infected and was praying to the goddess for help . Lucky for them ,the noble family that ruled that village heard that and sent a dark magi who was rank 2 ailment path magi . He used a special spell above that village which caused a blood rain there . He ordered to all the living villagers to bath in that gory liquid. The living people had only one wish that was to live . They respectfully stand under the bloody rain . Soon they started to feel good and sometimes later they felt as if they were never ill .

The dark magi then took all the dead bodies with him not caring the prostration of the living villagers who were in deep respect for him .

The 2 brothers were the only one alive in their family. His elder brother Krehsol always loved him and never minded if he do not work and just draw some useless paintings.

After his brother got a job at a caravan , he never had any financial worries and would paint for all day long . But all this good times came to an end because of the war .

Because of a skinny body , he can hardly hold a normal sword ,not to mention at least swing it . So he was not made into a soldiers but send to work at supply unit .

Although he was relieved that he will not die early but now he is wishing if he could go to the battlefield.

In a heavy rain , he , with a lot of young people like him are pushing carriages since morning till now, which are being stuck at because of rain and water .

Since morning he is working hard and feeling sad because he never did any exercise nor had any fat in his body to give him strength .

After successfully pushing the stuck horse carriage out of the mud ,they heaved a sigh of relief .

It was a three horse powered carriages which had a lot of weapons in it . That's why when it got stuck , it took a lot of efforts of these 25 people's group to make it free from the sticky mud .

They all are now taking heavy breaths in and out , just outside of the road .It is the first day of work after joining this war . They felt that they will not survive this torture .

Lersoul looked at his both hand while lying in the roadside keep drenching in the heavy rain .

His hands are not full of cut and bruises . They are a lot of dark spot indicating sever pain them .

'Just a few days ago , these hands were full of beautiful colors of paint , they were healthy and beautiful .But just after a day of joining ,they are full of cut and bruises . Can i last till the war ends ? Brother Krehsol ,please save me .' He unconsciously started to cry . Thanks to the heavy downpour no one noticed it .

"Hey why are you laying in the side of road for ? there a carriage got stuck , go and pull it out of the damn mud , hurry up. We must send supply to the waterkoo before night falls. Tomorrow is a big day !"

A war horse riding soldiers shouted loudly at these young boys who are laying down in roadside like dead dogs in a heavy rain.

Hearing a high ranking soldiers shout the quickly got up and ran toward the stucked carriages .

'I hope goddesses would make nightfall today earlier , my whole body is in pain now , i need sleep .'

While running to the stuck carriage ,Lersoul prayed to the goddess as it is still 2 hours before darkness .

All of the 25 young boys , who's task is to push the carriages in near 1 kilometers area , become sad witnessing a heartbreaking scene . A 1500 pound horse has broken it's front legs by slipping its legs in the mud . It is trying it's best to stand up but with no success . The carriage driver constantly using his whip to make it move forward but that poor horse can't stand up at all .

A patrolling soldiers in horse came here and go down to the mud . Seeing that the horse can no longer work , he brandished his sword from his scabbard .

He was going to kill the horse but suddenly stopped and looked at the young men's who are looking at him as if he was doing something bad and inhumane .

The soldier stopped and talked to the young men's .

"You lot ,why giving me a look as if i am going to commit a henious crime ? You think i love seeing these horse in this state and kill them ." The soldier said in authoritative voice .

All of the young men's quickly shook their heads to not to disrespect a soldier.

" This horse is in pain and will be useless for us in this great war . It can at least contribute its meat to fill our brother's hungry body . Do you think there are anyone who can carry it to a city to let it be healed . Even famous war horses are not that lucky ! The how can this inferior horse can ? Do you think this war is a childs game ? You are new that's why it will be hard for you in the beginning ,but you will eventually become a person like me who would be stared as if a mad men who loves blood of innocent ."

The young men's all lowered their heads and didn't dare reply.

"You come forward , take this sword and free this horse out of her misery let her contribute by giving us her meat at least."

The soldier pointed his index fingers at Lersoul who was Infront of the young boys and had the most pained expression of all of them .

He gulped a mouthful of rain water unknowingly. He was feeling sad for the horse and gave an angry look at the soldier who was about to kill this innocent animal .

Did this horse deserved death even though it served the war for this kingdom ? Lersoul was asking this question in his mind .

But when the soldier wanted him to kill it ,he was in despair .In his life ,he never killed any animals .His elder brother would always mock him for this . But now he was ordered to kill a horse .

His hand and foots are shaking and he was also feeling uneasy essence in him .But he can't be disobedient to a soldier . He got the heavy swords and picked it up difficultly .

After struggling for a while ,the horse was tired and in pain .The soldier quickly hold the horse's head and shouted ,

"Do it or you will die by my hands ."

Lersoul didn't wanted to die . A soldier can kill a new recruit if he disobey him . He hold the sword high infront of the horses neck and was crying a lot . He's both hands holding the sword was shaking and his legs were freeze .

He looked at horses eyes which was begging him to not to kill her and let live . Lersoul shouted loudly in blood red eyes and swung down the heavy blade .

Hot red thick blood filled his whole body which started to wash away by the heavy rain .

"Please forgive me please please please, i was helpless i didn't mean to kill please please please. Goddesses please show miracle and make this horse alive like you brought back a peasant from death in your holy book please please." Lersoul sat on the black mire and started to pray to the goddess for a miracle and letting him out of this sin.

" Stop wasting time. go and see if a carriage in stuck somewhere ." The soldier said harshly to them .

Like Lersoul , many others are also depressed now . They nodded and quickly go away .

Lersoul was now like a lifeless men who lost his humanity and turned into a zombie .There was only one word in his mind

" Why? why? why?!"

Seeing the young boys dispirited expression the soldier shook his head and got up on his horseback .

"No deity hears a ordinary people's prayer but a clergy's prayer ,who prays in a gold paved churches after donating wealth ."

he said which could only be heard to these 25 young men in these heavy rain and then left. But they will never forget this line .

Lersoul said loudly kneeling in the mud,

"Goddesses if you really exist ,come down and stop this madness war . Please end the suffering of your childs ." he begged loudly in this rain sorrounded by a group of young men . But he received no response . Today learned a lesson ,

"If you want to survive in this cruel world ,you need to be cruel to yourself first . No goddess exists in this world , if they really do ,why there are war , suffering, destruction ? Why ?... How can she watch her childs being suffered to this point !"

Hearing Lersoul's blasphemy against moon mother goddess , the young men's just listen but didn't do anything . If it were normal times , they would instantly burned that man ,but today hearing Lersoul's profane and sinful questions they can't help but repeat it in thier heart .


Note : Alliance map in picture here.

In a large hall , a big throne is placed in a high position . The throne has a lot of rare gems fixed at its edge .

Now in the throne, a men in his 30s was sitting with a happy smile in his clean shaved face . He is wearing a crown made of a very rare gem known as 'Mountain of light'. This gem is said to be from heaven. People who looks at it could hardly move their eyes off it .

Now ,the big throne room has two people in it . Emperor of Novgord empire is now sited in his throne with a luxurious scepter and in front of him was an old men with luxurious clothes was in a vowing position.

"Rise ."

Hearing kings commanding voice . Dule Lenor slowly stand upright.

"Your majesty , The king Ronald of Hartage kingdom faced an assassination attempt a few days ago by a women who is suspected to be from the Belfry Subcontinents notorious "Shadow of melodious raves" .He is currently alive but from our spies information ,he may pass away , a few years later."

Hearing duke Lenor's news , emperor Ulrich narrowed his eyes .

" It is not easy to hire these kind assassination squads . Money can't move them to go to another subcontinent to do dirty job . If that assassin's origin is really from that group then it is definitely those Auspice empire . Because to make a Belfry Subcontinents assassin's group to go another subcontinent to do job is not easy . Only an empires treasure can push them to do it ."

Duke Lenor nodded and said respectfully,

" Your majesty is smart and easily understood the whole matter . The Auspice empire is definitely the one to be able to hire these kind of things. It is also makes sense that 'Hussar kingdom ' which is a part of 'Auspice alliance' send their troops at the border of Hartage kingdom to take a chance of the kings death and cut more of their lands ." Duke lenor nodded and said in a supportive tone .

" 100 years ago , Hartage kingdom was arrogant and didn't took our aid in their war against the 'Hussar kingdom '. As a result they lost so miserably that they lost one-third of thier ancestral lands to the Hussar kingdom.

Even their king Roggiest died of suicide and told his sons to not to bury him untill 'Hussar kingdom' is destroyed .

Roggiest really thought that Hartage kingdom is still a great power like thousands of years ago in this subcontinent.

After that war , they finally started to recognize us as a 'Big Brother'."

Emperor Ulrich recalled the tragic war in which Hartage kingdom lost 1/3 of it's lands to the Hussar kingdom 112 years ago . Thanks to that war , Novgord empires arrogant 'little brother' learned to respect his 'Big Brother'.

"Your majesty is well sophisticated in history . A noble of Hartage kingdom contacted me via a prop for war aid . They also added that Auspice empire is also donating a lot of material aid to the Hussar kingdom ."

Duke Lenor then looked at the emperor .

The emperor was quit troubled during this time and a bad mood always lingered in his face . But today he is very lively and happy .

There is a reason for his happiness . Now the church of moon mother goddess and Antioch principalities are at war with each other .

In one hand , the church is a very strong force in the novgord empire . The prophet of moon mother goddess was born in this empire and spread this religion across the empire and it's surroundings .

On the other hand , Antioch is a very important member of the 'Novgord alliance's . The emperor is required to help them in their time of need .

He had a hard time to choose whom to support in this war . So he chosen no side but took a third option . Support them both !

He let the church to recruit people from his empire and send a lot of material help to the Antioch principalities .

This decision of his made a lot of people angry and they started to harass him to take a side . They also started to question his lack of decisiveness.

So the emperor would often go to tour outside of the capital and didn't meet people's from the church or Antioch principalities under various excuses like hunting ,ill or busy .

But because of the war between the Hartage kingdom and Hussar kingdom , he found a proper reason to stop the war between the church and the Antioch principalities .

He has already sent a decree to stop this war and come to the empire's capital for peace negotiations . Both parties responded to emperor's order and are sending thier diplomats in the capital for peace negotiations.

After all they also understood that their common enemy 'Auspice aliance ' is currently making a move in the dark . So they are also thinking of ending this war ,but no one wanted to be the first to propose peace negotiation as it will make the peace proposers look like a looser .

That's why when they heard that emperor Ulrich has ordered to stop the war ,they secretly heaved a sigh of relief and quickly agreed .

The main difference between the 'Novgord alliance' and the 'Auspice alliance' is in the religion .

In Novgord alliance , most of the people are the believers of the 'Moon mother goddess'.

In Auspice alliance, most of the peoples are the followers of the 'Eternal moon mistress' .

Both religion is each other's archenemy. They both claim that their goddesses is the true ruler of the white moon .

Even though king of Antioch principalities wanted to remove all the moon mother goddess church from his territory ,he had no support from the ordinary people . Except loyal Antioch nobility , all others hated his immature decision . So King of Antioch was in a heavy pressure in this war . If not for the Novgord empires material support ,they wouldn't have survived in the great crusade !.

Like Hartage kingdom ,they also has a enemy that they hate to the bone . It is the colab monarchy east of them . That Xerxes kingdom is also a part of 'Auspice alliance'.

So they both quickly stopped the war as soon as they received the emperor's command .

"I permit to send as much as war support as possible to the Hartage kingdom as soon as possible. Also start preparing for war against the Auspice alliance . Notify all of Novgord alliance's 5 kingdoms to prepare for a full scale war .

Contact the elf kingdoms of the south for support . Tell them that dwarves of the northern part of this subcontinent are helping the Auspice alliance ." Emperor's voice echoed in this empty thrones room .

Duke Lenor's eyes shimmerd in a cold light and said ,

" Yes , your majesty . I will convey your orders to the related nobles to carry out ."

" Tomorrow ,will not be a war in 'Waterkoo' ,but it will be a spark that will burn this whole middle subcontinent . I am also interested in this war named 'The battle of waterkoo'. Who will in this war ? You have any guess ?"

The emperor asked the duke with an interesting look .

This middle subcontinent in peaceful for 40 years now with no large scale war breaking out amongst the human nations . Emperor Ulrich is 36 years old . He didn't saw any major wars between human kingdoms in this middle subcontinent since his birth . So like most of the peoples of the middle of this subcontinent ,he is also looking forward to this war .

"Your majesty , we have a few spies in that battle ,so we will learn about the final outcome eventually ."


4:45 PM , Colos city beast bidding point .

The crowd finally stopped clapping their hands for Fasimeiu, who won the final bidding to own the rank one kobolds dead body .

Many who wanted to grab this corpse didn't clapped but stared at the kobold corpse with a longing and desirable attitude.

Some wanted to eat magic hot dogs , some wanted to make leather jacket, some wanted to make magic props and some even wanted to, how do i describe.... ahem ... perverted desires.

Fasimeiu came near the beasts and looked at it's body to check if everything is okay . After a moment , he nodded in appreciation .This magic monster really didn't have much external injuries but some light bruises which are covered in make-up. He happily put the magic beasts corpse in his magic storage which is a ring . A auction house servant took him to closed door room for money transfer.

Many people who thought that it is the end ,was about to go up from their sits and started leave but a sudden loud voice made thier eyes furrowed and their hearts were full of joy .

" It is time for the second magic monster corpse to auction . Please wait a minute." Dialleas , the bald guy who auctioned the kobolds corpse said in the mic-stone .

Hearing this everyone first was shocked and then quickly sat down in before someone could sit down .

This colos city very rarely auctioned 2 magic monster in one go . Those who thought that the fun is over was going back but this bald guy's words made them ecstatic .

Most of them brought one ticket thinking that it will only be a single magic monster corpse auction ,but now it is 2 ! This is a surprise gift for them and who doesn't love surprise gift !

Soon the stone platform made a sound and it started to go down to the underground.

"Today i am lucky ,i can witness 2 auction with a single ticket ."

"Is it really true ?"

"Hey ,that was my seat ,get up now ."

" Please another beautiful dog girl please please please."

" Hahaha , now i have a proper reason to go late at home !"

"Is it possible that 2 hunters catch 2 different monster and send it to the the auction house at the same day !"

Everyone are busy in myriad of discussions but they are all looking forward to the next magic monster corpse .

Soon , the audience could hear some noice from the dark underground, in which that platform gone down .

Slowly , the platform rose up from underground . A black veil is covering a big 2.3 meters human women shaped creatures was under the veil .

"Don't tell me another it's another kobold ."

"From the looks of it , i can guarantee that it has a very long hair."

"Please unveil I can't wait ."

"What a great day , i can see two dead magic monster one after another !"

The people are eagerly waiting for the veil to be removed . They are curious about the magic monster corpses appearance . Some are expecting a beautiful kobold women like the last one , some are looking for a monster of their path , some are looking to secure it to turn it into a exclusive menu for thier food restaurant.

Soon a servant unveiled it and the whole crowd stunt . It was a banshee ! It was a big ugly women with a lot of white hair around them.

If this monster is found walking near any human house ,then that houses childs would die within a few days . It also damages the pregnant womens unborn babies ,if a pregnant women saw this monster .

But this monster has a precious body part which is the womb of banshee . The banshees womb is one of the main ingredients for making an alchemy drug that can help and has a high chance of 10% of making an infertile women into a fertile one .The drugs name is 'Arabilis broodmare ' potion .

Seeing this monster appeared here, Asiatica become excited . She was looking for this monster . She had already drank 5 bottles of 'Arabiles Broodmare' potions since 10 years . But she never succeeded in becoming pregnant . Nonetheless ,she never felt disheartened and kept looking for banshees for creating another bottle of that potion.

This potion is very costly and there are a very few alchemist who can make that potion . Although a rank 1 magi in medic path can solve her problem ,but it is very difficult to find a medic magi who can cure women's infertility. A rank 1 medic magi asked for a rank 2 medic treasures as a payment for making her able to bear a child . But both her own father nor her husband family had any rank 2 medic path magi inheritance in their family vaults .

So she could only bite her lips and try cheap , low success rate alchemy option . As for moon mother goddess church , they hate infertile women as a cursed women .

Seeing this monster appear here , she will win it no matter what , for making another potion bottle for trying her luck this time .

"Young madam is lucky ,you encountered the monster you are looking for as soon as you came here for the first time since your marriage . I am sure you will be able to bear a son soon if you make a potion out of this banshee."

Old butler congratulated her luck and give her hope of becoming a son's mother . The second wife of her husband has just given birth to a baby girl ,so Asiatica still has a chance . If she can give birth to a boy before that woman ,then her position in that viscounts family will become strong and secure for the rest of her life .

In the law of noble family , firstborn male is the goddess given authority and title to that baby to become the head of a family in the future. The firstborn male can become the future lord of that household without any objections . Other latecomer male heirs are considered as a side branch family and will be out of the family trees in 1 or 2 generations of their childrens .

So she still has a bit of hope left . Although chances are very low ,but she still has a glimmer of hope. It is not that she loves her husband so much that she wants to help him by giving a male heir for that family but because she wants to made her standing in that house permanent . Without a elder son ,she will have no power and authority in her husband's family . Also in this kingdom , infertile women are considered to bring bad omen to a family .So she will be kicked out as soon as that second wife had a son .

"Thank you old butler . I happen to have a lot of gold coins too . I will definitely buy it no matter what is the obstacle's stand infornt of this madam."

Asiatica is full of confidence of her wealth in her hands .

Like Asiatica , a lot of alchemist and potion makers are also eagerly waiting to own this creature for making a infertility curing drug which is always in a very high demand .So they are looking forward to the start of the bidding.

Inside a vip room of the bidding house,

'Lord salvo , I am sure that it is hunted by the same group of people or a magi . Both the beasts corpses had similarities in the wounds . The two of them didn't have any big wounds or any organ missing . If we can know who that man or group is ,then we can secure good beasts corpse ! What do you think about this matter ?"

Mosour who compared the two corpse bodies , asked the rank 3 magi to hear his opinion regarding this issue .

Rank 3 mage Salvo ,who had his both legs above the glass table and was leaned on a sofa .He was eating various kind of fruits, nuts etc from time to time, suddenly stopped eating and properly sat on the sofa .

Magi Salvo gave Mosour a cold look and asked a question.

"Mosour how old are now ?"

"Lord salvo , I have just turned 33 this year ."

Mosour didn't understand why the rank 3 magi suddenly asked him about this question but he still answered.

"Do you know how old I am currently ?"

The rank 3 magi asked him in a chilling voice which made Mosour a bit scared and he subconsciously started to sweat .

"Lord salvo , I don't know ."

'Did I said something that offended lord Salvo ?' Mosour was questioning in his mind and was sweating heavily in this well temperature room .

" I am currently 578 years old and do you know the reason for this longevity ?"

Hearing rank 3 magi's words , Mosour, not wanting to offend the rank 3 magi quickly answered ,

" Lord , I know . After a magi become a rank 1 , they can live for 200 years . If a magi is a rank 2 , they can live for 500 years and if they are in rank 3 they can live for thousands of years.

So lord's longevity is the thanks to his rank ."

Salvo , however shook his head and said in a serious voice ,

" That's just what you learned from the magi academy . Today I will give you a free advice that I learnt in a hard way in my magi journey .

Magi can live far longer than any mortal humans but not all magi can live it full .

We magi pursue a particular path . We must always stay within the range of that paths research and development .

If you are not an investigative or deduction path ,you must never ever peep into others affairs .

This world is full of mystery and secrets that has no begining or ending . If solving secret is not within the range of your paths requirements ,then you must never strode into that direction .

You may harm some weak human because he is weak and pathetic .But he may stumble upon a rare chance that may made him invincible in the world and will definitely came after you .

You may kill someone ,but he may turn into an undead because of a lot hatred and will come after your life .

So ,never ever try to find out anything that is hidden if it is not your paths related . If doing something will not help you in your magi journey , then do not do that !

Curiosity about your own path is good but not so if you become curious about the things that is unrelated to your magi path .

Most magi waste thier longevity thinking that they had a long time . But do they really have ? The higher your rank ,the more difficult it is to rank up . Some old guys spends in thousands of years in labs to research and thinking about their path and their owns links with it .

So , only focus on your magi path . If someone doesn't bother you ,do not bother them back by searching about their secrets .You never know what calamity you will bring in your life by doing so ."


" Ladies and gentlemen's, I hope you have enjoyed the first rank 1 magic monster kobolds bidding . Now we will , within a few minutes will auction off our last magic monster of today . The rank 1 sound path magic monster banshee! " Dialleas said in the stone mic with a smile.

The whole stadium was boiling as soon as the auctioneer , the bald dude said that it is a rare sound path magic monster.

The principal of colos school, Benito, the sound path magi quickly got up from his seat . His eyes were jumping in joy .

This is a beasts which share same path as him . If he can have it , it will be very beneficial for his research in his sound path ! How can he miss it .

"Lord Benito , you are really lucky to encounter a sound path monster here today . Hahaha . I wish you good luck ."

Benito nodded in a happy expression and quick go out of the vip room to the venue to sit down there. He can't join the bet if he stays inside the vip box . Sasaryou also didn't wanted to miss the fun , so he followed behind the mage to the venue open seats.

Seeing the 2 important figures came to the venue , many who were previously fighting for a seat , quickly got up from there seats and invite them to sit . Both magi Benito and Sasaryou were not polite and quickly sat down .

"This is mine , let see who can beat me ."

"My son is a sound path magi , I will buy it no matter what! "

" So ugly monster, last one was so beautiful and sexy dog girl! "

" I heard that banshees hair can't be burned with normal fire ! is that true ? "

Meirino was depressed for her failure to buy the the kobolds corpse , now when she heard that banshees hair can't be burned easily , she suddenly remembered something and become even more depressed .

As a fire magi , she must wear anti-burning or fireproof clothes to hide her body from getting exposed . But fireproof clothes are very expressive . She had to work for a year in magi school missions to save up money to buy her current fireproof clothes.

She didn't enjoying bidding anymore and quickly left with a sad face .

'If only I had my main spatial storage bag , I could have won all of the beasts corpse from here !'

With a long sigh , she got out of the bidding point.

'A banshee and also a magic monster ! looks like I can use it create a powerful undead. Ha ha ha , if i can have it , my dream to one-day turn this kingdom into an undead kingdom will move forward a step closer !'

A necromancer was covered in a dark robes was overjoyed to found a magic using banshee .

Banshees are monsters who are basically dead , they are commonly dead cursed old women's who turned into a banshees . But this banshee is also a sound path magic monster. So it became attractive in the necromancer's eyes .

'He he he , I also happen to have a lot of gold coins too , so let's see who can beat me , the future undead king .'

"It is time , before I start the bidding I would like to remind you about the auction rule's ....

Then let us begin ,shall we ?"

All the stadium people started to boil in excitement for the second round .


Waterkoo plains , Border between the Hartage kingdom and the Hussar kingdom.

Disregarding the heavy rain , the preparation for yesterday's first battle in in full swing .

A lot of people's are making ditches, digging traps in the ground , setting the sharp edged woods in the field which are pointed towards the opposite direction , creating small mounds in this plains to make an artificial mountain for strategic planning.

Engineers are busy commanding the newly enlisted people's for making many seige machines like

trebuchet, ballistas, catapult , sharpening big trees edges to a pointed manner , big fishing nets, air defense etc .

In the field , a horse in full metal armour was standing . It's head to toe was covered in thick metal armours . In this heavy rain , it was breathing out fire from it's nose constantly . It has vertical eyes. It has more then 3000 pounds of weight and size is 100 inches . It is a rank 4 magic war horse 'Balrog's infernal horse'.

Above this gigantic war horse saddle , a full plated armoured men was now sitting . His left gauntlet hands was gripping the horses reins and his left gauntlet hand was holding a beautiful baton .

He is Duke Remus , the Marshall of the eastern front of this kingdom . He is now observing the preparations for the next days battle .

With him , a few people's are also in the horseback. A rank 5 magi of the thunder path , a archbishop of the moon mother goddess church in the Hartage kingdom, a few noble advisors are with the duke now .

Duke Remus opened his upper visor . He is old men in his 60s . He has a big mustache under his thin nose . He has a fierce face which will scare anyone.

"Hmm , looks like everything is going well . Tomorrow i will destroy the Hussar bitches ass."

Archbishop Napoli of the moon mother goddess church said ,

"Your grace , those eternal moon mistress followers are the evil of this world . They must be eradicated in this war . Their fake moon goddess is a bitch ."

Rank 5 magi of the thunder path , Boris said in a mocking voice,

" How do you know their goddesses is fake or not ? Your all gods are fake evil outer beings . The white moon has no controller."

" presumptuous, how dare you evil mana worshiper to say our Moon mother goddess is fake !"

Napoli's eyes turned red in anger . He shouted out loudly as soon as the magi said that their goddesses is fake .

" So what ? I will say whatever I want . What will ya do huh?"

Rank 5 magi Boris didn't give a damn about the archbishops anger .

Seeing that the two old enemies are about to start a fight , Duke Remus quickly came between the two parties to separate them from a direct fighting .

"Please , stop fighting among each others and focus on the main enemy . "

'After this war ,fight to your death .' Duke Remus thought.


Colos city beasts bidding point

" I am starting the bidding , just raise your hands if you have the amount ." Dialleas gave a warning and started the auction .

" The Starting bid is 12,000 gold coins , raise your hands if you have both interest and money"

" 13,000 gold coins "



" 24,000 gold coins . " Saying that Dialleas ,the auctioneer looked at the crowd . Now there are only 8 hands are being raised high . Just when he started to bid , more than 40 hands were raised , now that number has decreased a lot .

Dialleas , signaled the servants to give them mic-stones.

Among the 8 who has both money and desire for this magic monster banshees corpse are ;

Asiatica colos's butler , headmaster of the colos school , 3 different alchemists of the colos city , black robed necromancer , a fireproof clothes maker , a old travelling guy who has a son in sound path .

Seeing Asiatica who's butler has raised her hands . Sasaryou's eyes give off a look full of hatred. He subconsciously licked his front fake tooth with his tongue .

Because , Asiatica was the one who humiliated him 20 years ago by throwing a wine bottle at him ! He lost a front tooth because of the bottle projectile and was laughed by the whole noble circles for many years .

He quickly talked with the Headmaster of the colos school , magi Benito .

"Lord Benito , I have admired you since childhood . I can easily tell that this magic monster is very important to you . If you face any problem in this auction to acquire this beasts , I will be glad to be of help to you ! "

" Of course , I am glad to have such an admirer of mine !"

Magi Benito of course will not reject this proposal . Although he will have to help him in the future if he took his money ,but Benito doesn't care . Now he wants this magic monster at all cost . So there's no need to reject this kind proposal .

The butler of Asiatica gave the mic-stone to his madam .

Asiatica took the ball shaped inscribed mic-stone in her black gloves slender hands and said ,

"It is boring to rise the bid by 1 thousands , so this madam will increase it to 30 thousands . I hope you all gentlemen's won't mind ."

Hearing her bid , most the peoples who were interested in having this banshee become hesitant . The fireproof clothes maker lowered his head and gave back the mic-stone he just received to the auction house servants hands . He has no hope of winning in this bidding .

"I also happen to hate low bid rising , 40 thousands gold coins ." Mage benito said in a joking voice .

Hearing 40 thousands gold coins , the old men who has a son in sound path left a long sigh and gave away his mic-stone to the servants .

Also 2 out of 3 alchemist who wanted this banshee for making a bottle of 'Arabiles Broodmare' potions also become sad .

In this kingdom , women's who are unable to become pregnant are discriminated by most of the people . They are declared as a cursed women's by the Moon mother goddess church.

So the demand for the 'Arabiles Broodmare' drug is very high in demand all the time . Although it's effectiveness and success rate is only 10 percent ,but women's who are in need of children's can spend any amount for this .

Now the bid has reached 40,000 gold coins . There are only 4 people left who can afford to go further to acquire this banshees corpse .

Asiatica said with a beautiful voice ,

" Long time no see lord Benito . I always miss my school days and your guidance back there. Lord looks the same as he was 20 years ago . I hope you can become a rank 2 soon ."

mage Benito said in surprise ,

"It's Asiatica ! you have already turned into a fine charming lady .This old men really didn't recognized you . I wish you are living happily in your new home with your husband and kids ."

Asiatica's beautiful face darkened instantly as soon as mage wished her happy life with her husband and childrens .

Her heart was in pain thinking about her husband who doesn't care if she lives or dies . He just loves his new wife who will give him an heir .

Her eyes started gathering a few drops of tears as soon as she thought about childrens that she never had .She faked to use her her eyeliner to clean her tears .

Except for a few nobles in her family and husband's family , no one knows about her being an infertile . Because if people knows this , both noble families will face mocking from all kinds of people . Her father viscount Koros skillfully squandered a lot of money to make the colos city preists from revealing about this .

The last alchemist said ,

"Looks like a lot of elites are after this Banshees corpse . This master alchemist wanted this magic monster , please give me some face ."

Feeling irritated by these ongoing nonsense , the necromancer said in the mic-stone ,

" Give you face ! I will give you a kick instead . If you don't have money , then go to hell . 50 thousands ."

The back robed necromancer was determined to have this rank 1 magic monster banshees corpse.

As a monster which is related to the dead beings . This magic monster has a high chance of becoming a undead magic banshee that will become his puppet and an important trump card.

It is very rare for an undead related monster like banshee to turn into a magic monster .So as a necromancer ,who just started his journey , this is a best gift this poor city has offered him . This will play an important in his way to become a powerful necromancer .

"You know who I am ? I am famous alchemist in this city ! Everyone around this city knows me , I am alchemist Pyhroince." The old alchemist looked angrily at the dark robed men who insulted him .

"Who cares? I don't care at all . Just bid if you have money or else stay shut up old fool ."

The necromancer leaned in his seat and said as if he don't give any shit who this old guy was .

Mage benito also didn't like the ongoing nonsense and said in his mic-stone

"60 thousands ."

Asiatica quickly added ,

"70 thousands."

The necromancer decided to wait and see how much these 2 big guys of colos city will go .

Most of the magi sold their magic monster in the magi gathering places . That way, they can exchange their magic monster corpses with things like magi inheritance, mana stones , magic props etc .

Only hunters sold their games in the human gathering beasts auction places for gold coins .

A necromancer is hated existence in the eyes of living beings . They shamefully resurrect dead beings for their own use . Dead people are meant to sleep peacefully in their graves ,but these despicable

necromancer's didn't let them .

Their resurrected beings has no soul nor any mind but an empty body which has a few skills they mustered when they were alive . As if a puppeteer ,who moves the soulless bodies the way they wishes .


In the vip room ,Aetius was now very happy . The kobold womens corpse was sold for 70 thousands. The auction house took 7 thousands from it . Which gave him a total of 63 thousands of gold coins !

It means he now has , 70,319 +63,000 = 133,319 gold coins! He can be considered to be a very rich man now !

Well they did a lot of things like washing the beasts corpse , giving it some light cheap makeup, presentation etc . So he was totally happy . Instead he felt that the real income they will earn will not from this 10% but from the venue tickets .

There are around 12 thousands peoples who came to witness the auction . That means 12 thousands gold coins !

"You there ? "

Aetius called the servant girl who is now outside of his vip room .

The girl quickly entered the vip room and said with a smile .

"Yes sir , how may I be of any help to the esteem customer?"

I give her a gold coins and asked ,

" Tell me about this auction house and it's related businesses you know ."

Aetius was really pleased with this auction houses business policy. They not only stay true to their words but their working style is also very good .

Even a rank 1 magi (headmaster of colos school) doesn't dare to offend or teach a lesson to a lowly barron's son (Amon) . But this auction house expelled a good background person like Melena for her immature behavior's .

So it is clear that they are not easy to mess with . It will be good to hear about this auction house and if it has more auction house in this colos city . I can use them with less worries.

She nodded happily and shove the gold coins in her pocket .

"Sir , our colos city beasts bidding point is owned by the famous aristocrat Nirvanar family of this kingdom . In this city we only have this beasts auction house from the Nirvanar family .Other auction house such as salve auction house, alchemy prop bidding rooms etc owned by different aristocratic family's.

I heard that this Nirvanar family is from the Novgord empire . They have a rank 7 magi in their family . In our kingdom , our Nirvanar family auction houses are always ranked in top 3 .

We try our best to provide best customer service possible . Nirvanar family is always serious about their business partners security and safety ."

I asked her if she knew about other auction house of this family in other cities . But she said that she never been out of this city that's why she don't know.

I wanted to know that because I really liked their business style and wanted to know other auction houses this family have in the nearby cities .

Well I will know eventually . I can spend some money to the information suppliers to know anything I want to know . After all I will utilize my money to the fullest way possible .

I nodded and told her to leave .

Hmm , this Nirvanar family is not simple. No wonder a marquis family is not in their eyes .They are serious about their business policies and they have the necessary strength to enforce it too.

I know this kingdom has a rank 7 magi in the capital of this kingdom, Hartz mage tower . But this Nirvanar family which is just a auction business family has a same rank magi like our kingdom !

I know that Novgord empire is a giant like nation that has a lot of strength in this middle subcontinent. They lead a six nations alliance against another giant like existence of this mid subcontinent , the Auspice empire and it's 6 nation league alliance . I wonder how strong their highest ranking mage really is !


Shallow water castle, Baron Mordaer steins study.

A desk was full of books , parchment paper and maps . In the desk chair , a men in his early 30s was busy writing in a parchment.

He looked younger then his age . He has purple hair , a common feature of the steins family's childrens. A handsome face which still exudes early 20s youthfulness.

He is Baron Mordaer steins. A descendants of the Steins family. He came in this dilapidated area of the north of this kingdom from his steins family territory, 10 years ago . But he regretted making that decision.

Steins family was demoted 40 years ago because they supported a prince that hated the current king and wanted to kill him no matter what. As a result, after that prince failed to secure his throne, he was guillotined and his supporters were also came under the kings wrath. But king can't kill a nobleman easily like his 6 half brother's. So he demoted them to the bottom of the noble ranking for their foolish decision.

The Steins family had their fiefs south of this kingdom. King Ronald made their fief in the north to made them start from the scratch.

But Steins family was cunning and didn't left the southern part but would send not send anyone there . They still continue to do their family business there to this day . After all that place was ruled by the steins family, their roots are there . It will be foolish decision to leave .

Current Baron Mordaer steins was just a 4th son of a side branch of the Steins family. So he will be out of the family tree soon .He will be given a lot of money to start his life somewhere else.

Then young Mordaer thought that it will be great if he became a baron instead of losing his noble title. So asked the side branch family's head for giving him a chance to be a baron in this shallow water town.

The side branch family head happily agreed to him . He didn't understand that it was a trap !

The shallow water town was ruled by the steins in name only .No steins family descendents had came in this poor territory for 30 years, it is a town which can hardly generate any money .

When he first came here ,he understood that he made a mistake . This place has only little more than 30 thousands population .

In comparison to the Steins heredity territory, which has millions of population it is just a joke. Steins lost their noble title only not their belongings , so it never left their ancestral lands.

This poor town will be attacked by many beasts, nomads , robbers from time to time . Because of the lack of water resources , agriculture is very poor here .

If he decided to take money and left the steins family , he would have been given 1 million gold coins by the family law . With this amount of money ,he could have brought a good land in a big city and lived happily ever after . But this god forsaken land can barely generate five hundred thousands gold coins every year . Steins family had some conscience and would donate him a lot of gold coins from time to time.

So he tried to go back to the family to give up becoming a baron of this town .But they refused his proposal saying that it will be a taboo if he promised to become a baron but wanted to renounce himself .He will also be convicted by both the commoners and the nobles .

Today , he is busy with the yearly tax collection preparation. Just 2 months left before the new year . Before the last month of this year, he will finish the collection of the yearly tax from the subjects living in his territory .

While he was busy in work , the butler of this house rushed in without knocking the door .

' Don't Tell me that beasts are attacking again !'

'Lord , bad news . A magic knight from the Viscounts family in a horse has came outside and said giving me this parchment that miss Melena said blasphemous words against the king and was arrested outside of the beasts bidding house.

He told us to immediately go to the viscount Koros's colos castle for shelter . This shallow water castle will be breached by the angry mob soon . He is waiting outside to take you with him !"

Baron Mordaer steins was shocked . He quickly oped the viscounts parchment and read to confirm . He still didn't believe that so he opened the parchment and saw a seal of colos family in the paper . He quickly read and said in disbelief .

" No no no , how this is possible ? My little angle would never dare to blasphemy his majesty .I must go .

Butler quickly gather all the servant of this castle and 3 of my mages to go take a shelter in the colos family's castle .I will leave immediately ,my angel must be in fear and waiting for her dad !"

Viscount still didn't wanted believe that his daughter can do such a sacrilegious thing . He send her to the beasts bidding point to look for a magic monster that will be beneficial for their barron family's only magi in rank 1 speed type .

She lives in the colos school for her study which is about to end, So viscount thought that it is time to let her go outside to know the world. But he didn't see that coming !

Viscount quickly gave the order and hurriedly got up on the horse and sat behind the colos family's magic night who then rode toward the viscounts castle .

'Wait my angel ,papa will save you !'


Colos city beasts bidding point.

"100,000 gold coins ."

Mage Benito ,the headmaster of the colos school started to become anxious . Unlike other mages who hardly spend any gold and loves to live like an introvert . he however is a complete opposite, spends a lot of gold coins . He had to go to magi circles wearing different clothes to meet nobles and give them expensive gifts . Although he lowered going in the noble parties nowadays but it is a old habit which hardly left him . So his savings mentality was never there .

Sasaryou , who saw that mage is in dark face became happy and whispered in the mage Benito's ears .

"Lord , currently I have 100,000 gold coins . If you want i will happy to give it to you . please don't refuse , after all I can't see lord losing his chances of becoming a rank 2 mage !"

Mage Benito gave Sasaryou a greatful look and nodded .

'He he he , let see how that bitch Asiatica can win this beasts corpse that she took a fancy , it will be my revenge for breaking my front tooth ! This way I can also get help from the lord mage in near future ! He he he its like hunting 2 birds with a single stones throw !"

Asiatica asked her butler silently ,

" Butler , how much did we took before leaving my father's castle and how much is still there ?"

Butler said respectfully ,

" Lady Asiatica, we took 200 thousands gold coins from the colos family vault just the day before yesterday and had 10 thousands previously . Lady had spend 1 hour in a beauty parlor which costs 5 thousands of gold coins and spent 10 thousands gold coins in a restaurant . So , we currently have 195,000 gold coins ."

She nodded and looked at mage Benito . She can understand why mage Benito wants this beasts corpse . This corpse was a rank 1 sound path monster , so it will be very helpful in his research for becoming a rank 2 .

Currently only mage Benito is bidding against her so she thought that only mage Benito is her rival left . But she nor the mage knew that , a black robed men , who was a necromancer was waiting for the last moment .


Aetius was now very happy as the banshees price has crossed 100,000 gold coins and still continuing .

Although he hate the principal of the colos school , but seeing that he was so desperate to have the banshees, he can only see . Because he is too weak now . If not that old dog would be in a life and crisis.

'Old men , you didn't bother saving me not once but twice in a raw in a single day ! This hatred can only be washed with blood ! Let me become a powerful mage , I will let you witness what is the true meaning of hopelessness and helplessness.'

With blood red eyes , Aetius was looking at the principal of the colos school. Aetius could have died in the hands of Amon and Melena back in the school . He managed to trick Melena with his words and he brook out of the Amon's magic prop by the warning of the system .

'This bastard's job is to make sure that students can safely study in school . If a naughty student wanted to do pranks using dangerous ways , he will be the one to save the students from the pranksters .After all most of the students reading in colos school are from good background in the colos city . If anything were to happen to any student ,it will ruin the colos family's reputation.

If not , why would colos city bother to hire a mage to become a principal ? The dogs like Benito, who forgotten their due duties must be beaten into shape . And I will be glad to beat this old dog into a bloody shape !'

Aetius was daydreaming about his revenge.


"190,000 gold coins." Asiatica said and looked at the butler .

The butler shook his head indicating that it is a lost for them.

Asiatica became sad at this . She wanted this banshee corpse to make a fertility increasing potion , but now it seems hopeless. Banshees wombs is a important material for making 'Arabiles Broodmare' potions , which has a 10 % chance of increasing an infertile women's fertility !

After this bid , she only has 5 thousands gold left only ! She thought that she could secure the banshees corpse for 100,000-150,000 gold coins. But she really underestimated the mages gold coin reserve's.

She looked at the mage Benito , hoping that mage is at his limit and can't go on any further.

Actually, the mage really can't go up anymore , because his and Sasaryou, the colos merchants chairman are also empty now .

Mage Benito had 100,000 gold coins but Chairman Sasaryou had only 90,000 thousands gold coins. That's why, the mage thought that it was over , as Asiatica is now the highest bidder.

Chairman Sasaryou, completely different mode . In outside, he was sad for the mages lost . However, he was quit happy that mage lost and that Asiatica had to buy this rank 1 magic beasts for almost 200k ! This is many times higher than a normal rank 1 magic monster ! He is glad that he could make that lady who broken his front tooth suffer some losses !

Actually Sasaryou had 150 k gold coins with him now . But he told the Mage that he had only 100 k , he need rest 10 thousands for shopping before returning in his home and he need to buy things for his family .

He never had any interest into helping the mage to obtain it from the very beginning! Anyway mage will at least repay his kindness and help him in the future for today's 'selfless' help ! Hahahaha .

Dialleas, the bald auctioneer of this banshees asked with a smile ,

"190,000 gold coins goes to Asiatica, one... two ....."

Before Dialleas could said three and declare the final winner, someone said in the mic-stone.

"200,000 gold "

The black robed necromancer said with an artificial voice.

Asiatica who was about to cry in joy for winning this monster corpse, Instantly became dumbfounded. Mage Benito also become surprised and chairman Sasaryou completely lost his cool hearing the mysterious black robed necromancer's bid !

"200,000 goes for one ... two ..... three. Sold ."

It was just a few seconds, but something happened that made everyone present speechless.....

The whole venue full of people's were mostly quit and was digesting the sudden change of the events . They all psychologically prepared that among Mage Benito or Asiatica , someone will won . But now a third party appeared and snatched the corpse from them !

Quickly, the whole venue become full of noise.

"I didn't knew someone more richer then these 2 elites of colos city will be appearing today ."

"I don't get it , what this corpse has that these rich people's are ready to spend 200,000 gold coins! If I had this amount of money !"

"I wonder what that black robed mages identity is . He may be from a rich city ."

" Hey, can I get your number..... ahem..... can I have a glass wine with you? "

The black robed necromancer didn't bother listening to their talking and go straight to the banshees corpse.

Before he was about get close to the platform , the butler of Asiatica came infront of him and said with a salute.

" Good afternoon sir , I am a butler of lady Asiatica colos . My lady would like ....."

" You and your lady can go to hell."

Before the old butler of Asiatica could finish his talk , The black robed necromancer bypassed him and left behind a curse .

The necromancer quickly checked its body from head to toe and nodded in appreciation .

' Whoever killed it ,must be very talented .They didn't harm it even much to have more money out of it ,that's what I call professionalism , it would be great to turn them into an undead . If I want to become an undead king , I need people like them to serve me !'

He then packed the beasts corpses and headed straight to the auction house office for payment .

The butler returned to the Asiatica's seat and shook his head signaling that he failed to bring that black robe guy to her .