
As the Stun was cast, the closest hounds thought it was clever to be able to dodge it again.

Unfortunately for him though, this time, the Stun was not cast directly at him, but more toward the right side.

And the hounds were hit by the Stun. From afar, it looked like the hounds were jumping toward the Stun itself, almost like a dog jumping up for a frisbee.

The scene was pretty hilarious, but Lei Zhen kept his cool and hurriedly used this time to swing his sword.

The [Stun] was a saved slot from the effect of Robe of the Archmagi, so he didn't dare to idle around.

His mana recovery rate was ridiculously slow and Lei Zhen made a mental note in mind to fix this problem.

With the hounds being stunned, Lei Zhen quickly hacked it to pieces and was able to slay it time.

However, during the time he was hacking on the hounds, the second hound arrived and managed to pounce itself toward Lei Zhen.