Commander Scott

Unable to get a status screen of Commander Scott, Lei Zhen knew that Scott must have a skill that can conceal his information.

Although it wasn't unheard of and was actually well-known to most Magnolia players given that the game had been out for 4 years, he still couldn't help but be frustrated by the circumstances.

He just wanted to have a peaceful life and earn money through live-streaming. Yet his career didn't even get to kick start before he was thrown into so much nonsense.

"I'm probably the unluckiest person in this world." Lei Zhen sighed, holding up his staff and casting [Stun] directed at Scott.

Unfortunately, even with his prediction of movement, Scott's speed was too quick.

It was as easy as breathing for Scott to casually dodge Lei Zhen's skill and deflect the incoming strike from Kate.

"Princess Kate, it seems like you still need to work on your sword art." Scott taunted, swinging his sword in a downward fashion.