Fanning the Flame

Kate was bewildered as she didn't expect Lei Zhen would have something more planned in his mind.

"What else am I supposed to do?" She asked nervously. The smirk of Lei Zhen's face was making her slightly uncomfortable.

It was like he had turned into a conniving person, almost as if he was a stranger to her.

"Don't you want to make Prince Leon and Prince Carter start an all out brawl?" Lei Zhen asked, grinning about the outcome that he imagined in his mind.

"What other devious plan did you have in mind?" Kate asked curiosity. There was a surge of rising feeling coming from her that she wanted to see what he planned to do.

"Want to play a damsel in distress role?" Lei Zhen asked, and proceeded to explain his wicked plan.

His plan was to have Kate pretend to be heavily injured by the imperial guards sent by Prince Leon, and this information shall spread to Prince Carter's ear.