Carrot and Stick

A few minutes had gone by since he had ordered the patrolling soldiers to bring every non-patrol duty soldier to the tent.

They were currently all standing in a military-style position, and none had the slightest disrespect on their face.

Lei Zhen knew he had already given them all a misinterpretation of him being a demonic chancellor.

Although that was not his plan, he wasn't going to correct them because of the war ongoing. Since the soldiers now feared and respected him, then he would make use of this to effectively tighten the military.

In a war, those who can successfully make the soldiers obey every order without questioning them are the winners.

"The plan I told Kate so far has worked successfully. Prince Carter had officially declared a war against Prince Leon and caused numerous casualties on Prince Leon's side." Lei Zhen stood up and said in a stern voice.

"But do you think that's enough?" He then asked the soldiers.