Royal Palace

While Kate was like some celebrity walking through a red carpet welcoming, the two princes' fates were much different.

Some enraged citizens could not hold their anger as they grabbed some tomatoes and lettuce to throw at them.

Of course, Lei Zhen had made sure the soldiers did not block the citizens from venting their anger. This was a necessary punishment for the two princes at the very least to know how foolish their actions were.

For their greed, numerous lives were lost and all they received was a splash of tomatoes and lettuce. That was already lucky compared to other major criminals.

"Kate, make sure to walk as slowly as possible." Lei Zhen told her. "The citizens needed to vent, and only then, would their anger subside and move on."

Although she didn't like to humiliate her two elder brothers, she knew this was needed and agreed with Lei Zhen. If she doesn't let the citizens even vent this little, then in the future, it would be hard to govern Yors Castle.