
The atmosphere instantly turned awkward when Kate openly pleaded to spare Prince Leon's life for his crime.

Both the king and the princess needed a leeway now in order for the situation to subside.

And who was the perfect candidate and is qualified to step in?

You guessed it!

"King Francis Norton, Princess Kate, I believe the two of you are correct in your judgment, but how about we put this matter aside first and allow everyone to rest properly." Lei Zhen stepped in and suggested.

"Chancellor is right. I should have let you and the others rest properly first before anything else." Francis Norton took the hint and instantly ordered the soldiers to lead them to guest rooms.

As for the two princes, they were still technically criminals so they were placed in prison cells.

Sometime later, the guards brought Lei Zhen and Griselda to their room respectively.

Although it was a guest room, the room was more of a luxurious presidential suite instead.