Hero of the Siege

As Lei Zhen sat in his assigned seat next to Kate, he used this chance to check on the title he received.

[Title: Hero of the Siege

Attack: +5

Description: As someone who heroically participated in the war between the two princes and played a crucial role, he shall be valiantly honored as the hero.

Effect: Players gain a 35% discount on all stores affiliated with Yors Castle and could gain extra items as bonuses. Citizens are more prone to be friendlier with you and would request your help.]

When Lei Zhen finished reading the description, he was a bit speechless.

'Looks like this is the so-called win I said.' He thought to himself, recalling his consolation words to Kate.

Given that his title was empty in the character status, Lei Zhen didn't hesitate to equip the [Hero of the Siege] title to his name, granting him a nice bonus.

The mourning ceremony proceeded for a few minutes and Francis Norton entered the stage as well, prompting everyone to kneel as a greeting.