Toothless Tiger

Griselda was completely left aghast when she heard Lei Zhen wanting to decline such a simple request.

It wasn't like she wanted his status and did not tell her status to him. It was an equivalent exchange to commence their cooperation in the future.

"Are you still that distrustful of me?" Griselda twitched her mouth and asked.

"I might be a bit petty, and I admit that. But you should know I have a reputation to uphold and I would never renege a promise or words that I have spoken out."

"Then can you promise to keep it a secret and won't tell another person?"

"I can swear upon my life and even my parents' life. However, you must do the same since there is some information that I hid from the public as well."

Lei Zhen nodded his head and said, "Sure, it's a deal then."

Thus, the two of them revealed their status and to his surprise, Griselda was a tier 2 player that is leveled 85, higher than Tang Qiaolian.