Chief Jaruk

After getting introduced to the Chief by Hazerak, Lei Zhen came to know the name of the Chief was Jaruk.

Jaruk was a level 143 elite-type Lizardark that had evolved and gained intelligence. Through his leadership, he had been leading the Lizardark clan in living at the swamp.

Jaruk was over eight feet tall and had a mass of green color, scaly skin, and sharp, reptilian features. His eyes glowed in bright yellow and seemed to see into the very depths of your soul.

It had long and powerful arms that ended in sharp claws that looked like they could easily rip through steel apart. His legs were thick and muscular and moved with a grace and agility that belied their size.

However, one noticeable thing that was discerned by Lei Zhen was that Jaruk seemed to be injured despite looking calm.

'Seems like my deduction was on the mark again.' Lei Zhen thought to himself. To be able to damage a ferocious creature like Jaruk, there was only one plausible culprit: the black mage.