
Tang Qiaolian was left gasping when she heard Lei Zhen manage to earn a gold coin.

And as much as she refused to believe he could earn that amount in such a few days, she could only accept it when the words came from him.

"Sigh, I see…" Tang Qiaolian said dejectedly.

'I knew I should have invited him to my guild earlier.' She thought to herself.

Given that Lei Zhen spent a gold coin to create a guild of his own, it would be rude for her to ask if he wanted to join her guild instead.

That would be a waste of a gold coin and she wasn't that shameless to ask Lei Zhen to throw his money away like that.

Of course, Lei Zhen understood her dejected sigh but pretended to not know about it.

'Sorry, Qiaolian, but you helped me a lot already. I can't afford to owe you anymore. Otherwise, even my next ten lifetimes wouldn't be enough to pay you back.' Lei Zhen exclaimed inwardly.

After chatting casually for the next few minutes, Lei Zhen ended the call.