
The soldiers were in a daze for a few seconds when they heard the reward announcement from Lei Zhen.

It was only when they repeated the reward of having their own fief and becoming a noble did they come to their senses.

"Chancellor is my idol forever!"

"Chancellor is the hero!"

"Let's go, comrade, we shall slaughter the black mage. The winner takes it all!"

As the soldiers' morale couldn't be boosted any higher, the black mage was trembling slightly.

Never did it expect that one day, they would become a trophy type of reward for others to capture.

What a humiliation!

It was an unacceptable remark by Lei Zhen in its mind.

"What a great Chancellor of Yors Castle!" The black mage said sarcastically. "Since you humiliate me this much, then prepare to receive my wrath."

Just when the black mage was ready to cast a spell, the black mage realized its body was temporarily paralyzed.

"What is this??!" The black mage muttered in confusion, trying to move its limbs around.