
The moment Kate understood Lei Zhen's devious plan, she was truly astonished.

There was never a dull moment when it came to Lei Zhen, especially when he was scheming something.

"Haha, I bet those corrupted nobles are losing their sanity at this very moment." Kate laughed cheerfully. She could now imagine how frightened the corrupted nobles would be.

In fact, the corrupted nobles couldn't even do anything even if they knew this was happening because this was her turf.

To try and assassinate a princess on her own turf, was akin to asking for a death sentence straightaway and admitting your guilt.

"You finally got the gist of my action." Lei Zhen said in relief and sat back down. "You'll need to learn about these tactics in the future. Although it's deceiving the enemies, it's always effective against those who are guilty."

Kate nodded her head.

She clenched her fist and held a determined look on her face, "I'll definitely try my best, Chancellor."