Robert’s Explanation

As Lei Zhen ignored the corrupted nobles pleading for their lives, and tried to continue his path, he was temporarily halted by an imperial guard.

"Apologies, but the Royal Palace is currently off-limits to outsiders." The imperial guard stated, clearly not recognizing Lei Zhen.

Just when Lei Zhen wanted to speak to reveal his identity, another imperial guard that was beating up the nobles noticed him.

'Wait a minute, isn't that the Chancellor?' The imperial guard screamed internally when he realized his comrade was stopping him.

"Hurry up and let the Chancellor pass. Who could take the blame if our action delayed the Chancellor?" The imperial guard was clever enough to shout it aloud for his comrade to hear it.

And just like that, the imperial guard that halted Lei Zhen before quickly bowed his head and apologized.

"No worries, you are just doing your duty." Lei Zhen said, not paying it to mind.