Small Boat

Lei Zhen remained unaware of the upcoming article that Jack Frigel was writing.

He was currently at the Royal Palace center room, where he was summoned by Francis.

"There's only us three here, Lei Zhen. Do you mind taking off the mask?" Francis sat on his throne and calmly said.

To his left and right side respectively, there were Robert Knightman and Kate. As for the other guards and maids, they were all dismissed preemptively.

Lei Zhen nodded his head and took off his mask gently. He only feared that players would recognize his identity, but not so much toward the NPCs.

Not to mention, all three of them that were present here had seen his real face already. Hence, there wasn't a point to keep his mask on.

"Anyway, why was I summoned?" Lei Zhen asked, not feeling a bit pressured by the situation.

Francis remained quiet for a few seconds before taking a small glance at Kate and then back to Lei Zhen.