
Once the commotion was clear and the security guards bid their farewell to Tang Qiaolian.

She proceeded to stare at Cecile, blocking her view of what was inside the room.

"Anyway, what kind of pleasure do I have to cause the Vice Leader of the Aries Guild to come all the way here to see me?" Tang Qiaolian sneered coldly.

Cecile twitched her mouth.

She had an expression that showed 'bitch, can't you tell what I'm trying to do?' look at her face.

Nevertheless, she didn't wish to break the facade too early so she smiled brightly at her.

"Well, I just wanted to come here to congratulate you for obtaining the first clear achievement." She said with much suppression of her emotion.

It was clear that she was still angry and jealous about the first clear achievement being snatched by her.

Of course, Tang Qiaolian also knew this so she would not miss this beautiful opportunity to gloat at her.