
"Heh, just as I expected." Lei Zhen sneered coldly when Candice basically confirmed his suspicion to be correct.

If Peter Heisen's ship was legitimate to be on the sea, then why would they try to cover their weapons in boxes?

Of course, one could say they were transporting weapons back to their country, but then again, the location of the shipwreck doesn't add up to this story.

Not to mention, the attitude of Peter Heisen was different from how a normal person would react toward their savior.

From the get-go, Peter Heisen was on guard the entire time and was ready to make a move. Though he didn't dare to make a move in the end since Howard's ability was far superior to his.

"Okay, you can sleep now while I'll eat the food that is still warm." Lei Zhen said and left her alone in the room.

He then proceeded to grab the food back to his personal room and began to think over the situation.