What A Twist

The conversation between Peter Heisen and Charter was quite confusing for Lei Zhen to comprehend. He originally thought Charter wanted to come here to verify that the prisoner they captured was indeed Peter Heisen.

However, based on their conversation, Lei Zhen had an instinct that the two of them knew each other.

His suspicion was increased further when Peter Heisen looked like a mouse that had seen a cat, almost as if he was completely frightened by just the sight of Charter.

'Are they former comrades in arms?' Lei Zhen wondered silently.

It wasn't uncommon for former soldiers to turn bad after realizing they didn't get much in return for their services.

But Lei Zhen didn't dare to overestimate his intelligence to guess the relationships between the two. He was an outsider currently, so he quietly left the prison cell to let the two of them chat.

He didn't believe Charter would attempt to break Peter Heisen out of jail since the possibility of that was less than 1%.