Friendship Card

The two methods of gaining a Magnoroid Core were completely out of reach for the current Lei Zhen.

Not only was he severely under-level, but he also did not have much-attacking ability to fight a monster.

As for the harsh environment where a strong monster resides, committing suicide would be much easier than trying to court death there.

Thus, the only possible way for Lei Zhen to gain some Magnoroid Core was to pull out the friendship card.

That's right, friendship card, meaning he would have to personally ask shamelessly to one of his powerful friends.

And who was that friend?

"Hello, Qiaolian, I'm sorry if I disturb you with this video call." Lei Zhen smiled gracefully when he saw Tang Qiaolian's face on the screen.

Tang Qiaolian raised an eyebrow.

"Why are you smiling like that, Lei Zhen?" She asked doubtfully. It was clear that she sensed something was wrong with the current Lei Zhen.