Hard Mode

"So the dungeon must be completed in the difficulty of hard mode and above, right?" Lei Zhen asked Jessica to confirm the difficulty mode that they will be attempting.

As previously mentioned, Magnolia's dungeon offered four difficulty modes, easy, normal, hard, and hell. Thus, it wasn't that bad to be forced to attempt a dungeon at hard mode and above.

After all, if they were being forced to attempt hell mode, then the chance of success would decrease tremendously.

Some dungeons required a minimum of 30 people or above to even get through the beginning phase.

And in that case, hell mode would naturally mean that players need to gather at least double the initial calculation of the number of people required to conquer the dungeon.

It was also because of this case that Tang Qiaolian required the assistance of another guild, namely the Cancer Guild to successfully obtain the first-clear achievement on the Hell's Domain.