Ambush at the Front

"You have got to be kidding me, right?" Lei Zhen twitched his mouth when he saw numerous players surrounding the entrance of the Sahara Exodus.

It didn't take a genius to know that they were waiting here for quite a while for them to exit the dungeon.

"Um, Zhen, didn't you say people rarely do player killing? Can you explain this scenario to me then?" Jessica hid behind Lei Zhen and whispered softly.

"I only said most, but you should know there are still lots of people without a brain cell." Lei Zhen rebuked, clearly sticking to his original claim.

"No you didn't. You just said some other people, not most people."

"Are you really trying to start an argument right now when we're being surrounded, Jessica?"

Jessica immediately shook her head and kept quiet. She was still hiding behind Lei Zhen, clearly afraid of the current situation.