Butler Gongshun Ren

After leaving Doctor Samantha's office, Lei Zhen went to his sister's room to check up on her condition. Once he confirmed that she was still in healthy condition, Lei Zhen left the hospital.

Taking out his phone, he began to dial a number that he had never dialed before.

The phone vibrated for a few seconds before the opposite party accepted his call.

"My dear nephew Lei Zhen. It's been years since you have given me a call." A middle-aged man could be heard on the phone.

"Yeah, it has been quite a while indeed. I have a favor to ask of you." Lei Zhen's tone was bleak and polite.

"I see you're still quite mad at me for the previous incident, but I guess this is a good start now that you are willing to contact me after all these years." The man wasn't offended by his tone of speech and offered to send a driver to pick him up.