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Lei Zhen remained completely silent as he stared at Lei Quan, his supposed uncle, even if they aren't really blood-related.

And seeing his silence, Lei Quan continued to smile, not minding his attitude and behavior.

If a simple greeting was enough to mend their broken relationship, then it wouldn't have taken them years to even meet each other physically.

"Sigh, this nephew of mine is still brooding over the past it seems." Lei Quan smiled and shook his head, turning around to head inside the mansion.

He was sure that standing by the entrance wouldn't change much of the situation given that he knew what kind of mindset Lei Zhen was having.

Butler Gongshun Ren could only sigh inwardly at this development, though he was not a bit surprised by this outcome.

'Sigh, I bet only the Young Lady could mend this broken relationship, but life is truly unfair to her.' Butler Gongshun Ren thought to himself.