Times Changed

Lei Zhen was in shambles when Doctor Samantha questioned him on whether he robbed a bank or not. Of course, she was joking since robbing a bank in this era was considered a suicide mission.

Banks are so secure that not even meticulous planning on robbing the bank would work out.

"Oh come on, Doctor Samantha, do you think I'm the type to rob a bank just to bring you this kind of car?" Lei Zhen jokingly replied back.

"Well, you're wearing a tuxedo suit, seemingly trying to impress me. So it's kind of hard to tell if you have done something illegal." Doctor Samantha teasingly said, hopping inside the car while making sure her gown wasn't ruined.

After returning to his driver's seat and starting up the car to make their way to the opening theater location, Lei Zhen calmly smiled at her.

"Having a gorgeous doctor being my companion for the day of such an event is my glory. So even if I actually rob a bank, it's all worth the effort to impress you." He said smoothly.