Stealing the Limelight

Regarding the comment of the reporters planning on deleting the interview footage of the male lead, Doctor Samantha had zero response to that.

What the reporters wanted to do with their footage had nothing to do with her. She was just here to enjoy a show, and as for the rest, it wasn't her problem.

"What is your name, goddess?" One of the reporters could no longer contain their curiosity as they asked the crucial question. By knowing her name, they could then easily search for her profile online.

Of course, Doctor Samantha was a public figure from the start, so she didn't mind revealing her name.

"I'm Samantha Ferris, but people usually refer to me as Doctor Samantha." Samantha smiled and instantly caused the men to swoon over her.

And just when another reporter wanted to ask why she was referred to as a doctor, a person intervened and stared at Samantha.