Dissociative Amnesia

Lei Zhen was stunned the moment she brought up his staring process. Thus, he could only nod his head occasionally as Samantha informed him of the process.

Even though it was kind of long and boring, all of them were meant to help prepare him and be ready for the questions that might be deemed very sensitive.

Sometime later, Samantha finally finished listing the procedures and what the therapy would be about.

"Do you understand all of the above or do you need me to go over something specifically?" Samantha asked.

"I understand all of the above."

"Good, then let's begin with the first question. What are your name and age?" She then asked.

"My name is Lei Zhen and I am currently 25 years old."

"Very good. What is your current occupation and hobby?"

"My current occupation is a part-time convenience store cashier. And I usually read some of the business news, medical news, and Magnolia news while playing the game, Magnolia." Lei Zhen answered truthfully.