Villainous Schemes

After washing his hands thoroughly with soap, Lei Zhen and Samantha began eating at the dining table, acting as if they were some couple of some sort.

"Don't just eat the chicken and meat. Eat some of those vegetables as well." Samantha said, picking up a few spinach with her chopstick and placing it in his rice bowl.

Lei Zhen showed a bitter smile at the spinach in his rice bowl.

He does eat his vegetables, except it was usually cabbages or lettuce combined with some good seasoning or salad sauce dipped in it.

"Every dish looks nice, but this spinach looks and tastes like sad," Lei Zhen said, being brutally honest about it.

Samantha twitched her brows, her finger trembling slightly as the chopsticks seemingly felt like it was going to drop on the dining table.

"I'm sorry but my ears just experienced a momentary deaf, so could you please repeat your words?" She asked in a very gentle sound. It was a gentle sound that could put one to sleep in peace.