Late Exhaustion

Lei Zhen was never the type to care about other people's feelings, but in that locker room, he could feel his safety was being endangered for every second he stayed there.

The jealousy could be smelled throughout the locker room, and he was sure that a few of them were furious at him.

'Rumors sure spread like wildfire when it's about something terrible or juicy gossip.' Lei Zhen thought to himself.

If it wasn't Samantha who recommended him and some old men instead, then he was confident that not a single man inside the locker room would care much.

The most they would do was probably give him a side glance and that was it.

Shaking his head slightly, Lei Zhen walked to Samantha's office to begin his first day at work in the hospital.

The feeling he was getting now was quite hilarious. Back then, he came to the hospital to watch over his sister, but now he was coming here to take care of other patients.